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ZoomOut Signal Analysis Software Suite

See the entire file at a glance and zoom in to the parts that interest you while keeping track of your location in the file.

ZoomOut®  is a signal analysis software suite designed for viewing and analyzing very large RF signal files.  Multiple main viewing windows provide both a macro view, a detailed view, and an extremely detailed view of the signals most important to you.  

For the first time ever, you can visually view your entire RF spectrum file in one single image without losing the fine details.  This powerful tool enables the user to find at a glance the signal information most important to them without wasting time viewing the entire file searching for the meaningful information. 
The ZoomOut® Software Suite is hosted on the Erisys Signal Analysis, Capture, and Playback system called SigPro.  Learn more about SigPro under the Deep Spectrum Capture tab in the headings above.

To learn more, scroll down or click the button on the right to view the data sheet.  

ZoomOut® provides the complete file capture as shown in Panel 1 below.  Next, the user can ZoomIn to the signal information relevant to them as shown in Panel 2.  Once the desired signals have been found, the user can further ZoomIn for extreme detail as shown in Panel 3.   

ZoomOut® provides the perfect environment for creating automated tools to aid the user in finding specific signals of interest within a crowded spectrum.  ZoomOut® provides advanced signal analysis techniques to quickly find key pulse data and creates the corresponding Pulse Descriptor Words (PDW) which are stored in an easily searched industry-standard table. 

Learn more by clicking on the data sheet button, by contacting us using the form below, or by emailing us at

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